EV Charger Installation

Residential Kitchener Ontario EV Charger Installation

We provide specialized services for Electric Vehicle (EV) charger installation to support the growing demand for electric vehicles.

  • Conduct a site assessment to determine the most suitable location for the EV charger, considering factors such as proximity to the electrical panel, parking convenience, and compliance with local regulations.

  • Assess the capacity of the existing electrical panel to determine if any upgrades are required to support the additional load of the EV charger. This may involve upgrading the panel or installing a dedicated circuit.

  • Calculate the electrical load and ensure that the service entrance and existing electrical infrastructure can accommodate the demands of the EV charger without compromising the safety and efficiency of the home's electrical system.

  • Obtain the necessary permits from local authorities for EV charger installation. Ensure compliance with building codes, electrical codes, and any other relevant regulations.

  • Assist the homeowner in selecting an appropriate EV charger based on the vehicle's specifications, charging speed requirements, and compatibility with the home's electrical system.

  • Install the wiring from the electrical panel to the location of the EV charger. This involves running conduit or cable, making proper connections, and ensuring that the wiring is appropriately sized for the charger's requirements.

  • Mount and install the EV charger at the chosen location, ensuring proper anchoring, alignment, and compliance with manufacturer specifications. Connect the charger to the electrical wiring and conduct a thorough inspection.

  • Conduct comprehensive testing of the EV charger to ensure proper functionality, communication with the vehicle, and adherence to safety standards. Commission the system and verify that it meets performance expectations.

  • Provide the homeowner with information and education on the proper use, maintenance, and safety considerations of the EV charger.

  • If applicable, integrate smart charging features, such as Wi-Fi connectivity or mobile app control, based on the capabilities of the chosen EV charger.

  • Offer post-installation support, addressing any concerns or issues that may arise after the EV charger is in use.